Sunday, December 12, 2010

Wordle Weekend

I was recently shown, and thought how cool would it be to have a meme of this?  So now I have made the meme Wordle Weekend. 
         Every weekend just go to the link I have of on this post, and make a wordle for your blog.  After you've created your wordle take pull it up to a window by itself, then take a screen picture of it by pushing the "prt sc sysrq" key.  Now you can paste the image onto a word document, and now it's copy and paste-able.  Please leave the link in comments if your particapating! 
         There's this really cool feature where you can copy and paste in your blog URL, and it make's a Wordle out of it. 
This is how you use Wordle.  You go to a word document type a long list of words (with a theme), then copy and paste them on to Wordle.  But you make multiple copies of the words you want to be bigger, and if there is a space between words wordle will seperate them.
I'll be working out the problems.

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