Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday (21)

Top Ten Books You'd Hand to Someone Who Says They Don't Like Reading (poor people).
Hosted at the Broke an the Bookish.

  1. Hunger Games! Some of my friends who are not readers have asked to borrow this book from me.
  2. The Sky is Everywhere- It's an easy read, its fun, filled with poetry adding texture, and it's still a really good book.
  3. Dairy Queen- really cute read and not to long
  4. Water for Elephants- This one was amazing and went by really quickly for me.  I think that the large size isn't as bad as it seems because it goes by really quickly.  That is why the Help wouldn't be a good choice.  It may be awesome, but it was kind of slow.
  5. Kissed by an Angel is another one that goes by past.  I just wouldn't give them the trilogy in one.  The cliffhangers at the end should be enough to keep them reading.
  6. This Side of Paradise by Steven Layne- SOOO GOOD! Both genders will like this book, and it is just awesome! Really good for book clubs or read alouds and EVERYTHING!! sorry I got a little excited.
Anything else that went by quickly, but was still good I would suggest, but there aren't a lot of them out there.

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